Teach us to number our days carefully so that we may develop wisdom in our hearts. Psalm 90:12 (CSB)
This scripture is what NumberMyDay Entrepreneurs is based on, learning to number our days so we may develop a heart of wisdom.
When I first read this scripture…contrasting my life with eternity seemed pointless.
I can’t truly understand what eternity is, I have never experienced eternity, yet this scripture tells me that it is wise to number my days compared to eternity.
So understanding that my days are numbered here on earth forces me to focus on an eternal God and His will for my life.
Temporal things like cars, clothes, and even houses decrease in importance when compared to eternity.
What’s the point in amassing earthly wealth if it prevents me from raising and training my children, or building my relationship with my wife? Am I going to build wealth and leave it for children that I haven’t trained to handle it?
Don’t get me wrong, I believe it is possible to build wealth AND focus on eternity because all things are possible with God.
The society we live and work in, however, tries to influence us to do differently.
Do you know what I say?
Do you know what the Bible says?
Do not be conformed to this age, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may discern what is the good, pleasing, and perfect will of God. (Romans 12:2)
I have committed myself to learn how to number my days.
What does that mean in a practical sense?
- I wake up and seek God through prayer and His Word
- I make plans understanding that God directs my steps (Proverbs 16:9)
- I understand the businesses he allows me to steward should glorify Him
- I strive to use my time wisely
- I am more intentional in building relationships with family, friends, and clients
- I am cultivating the gifts God has given me (let me be clear, this does not come easily and I don’t have a perfect score but I keep moving forward to seek God and He helps me learn and get better on this journey).
So let me ask you a couple of questions…
What are you here for?
Have you sought God in the business you’re pursuing?
What specific gifts and talents did God equip you with?
Whatever it is, He put that inside you to build His Kingdom.
Think beyond what is right in front of you and focus on our eternal God.
So…how will you number your days?
Write this down on a piece of paper, or in the notes section on your phone, think about it, then make yourself accountable and share it.
I would like to know.
Reach out to me on Instagram or email it to me at DC@numbermyday.com.
Let’s number our days together and live the life God intended for us to live.
Let’s build the businesses God intended for us to build.
Businesses with purpose.

DC Cayce
DC Cayce works with entrepreneurs and small businesses to accelerate their profit by implementing systems for efficiency. DC is also an author and a podcaster. Email him at dc@numbermyday.com with any questions or comments.