But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you. Matthew 6:33 (ESV)
Don’t worry and seek God first!
That pretty much sums up this scripture, doesn’t it?
Jesus is telling us that our Heavenly Father feeds the birds – you are more valuable than they.
Jesus is telling us that God clothes the lilies and grass of the field, which are here today and gone tomorrow – will He not much more clothe you?
Don’t worry about what you will wear.
Don’t worry about what you will eat.
Don’t worry about what you will drink.
God knows that you need them.
You don’t need to worry about your business when you seek God first in it.
Seek God first and all these things will be given to you as well.
What are you worrying about that doesn’t matter?
When I read this scripture, I envision God looking at me worrying about every little thing in business, and thinking…
“Poor little guy, when will you learn and stop worrying about what doesn’t matter?”
“Don’t you know that I’m omniscient? If you seek me first, I will guide you.”
I’ve been so focused on optimizing systems and processes that I forgot my true purpose is to glorify God and impact the marketplace with His love.
I forgot that it’s the PEOPLE that matter.
Employees, contractors, vendors, clients, and partners.
Their souls are what I should consider before their skills or money.
You know, we Christians sometimes forget the power we have access to.
If we submit ourselves to the all-knowing, all-powerful God, that also happens to be omnipresent…we can’t lose.
As a matter of fact, we have an unfair advantage.
Let’s declare right now that we are going to stop worrying and seek God first.
Jesus is telling us if we focus on the main thing (seeking God first), we don’t have to worry about the small things (everything else).
Easier said than done, right?
Everything is, but hey, practice makes perfect (or as my son’s karate instructor says – “perfect practice makes perfect”).
God has given us the power of choice.
Choose Him.
My grandfather was a pastor and a successful businessman.
While growing up, I would frequently ask him, “Grandpa, can you give me advice on building business?”
Grandpa would answer, “If I could tell you one thing, it would be to put God first.”
I would think, “Okay, but what does that have to do with business?”
I asked him this question several times over many years and he always gave me the same answer.
“Put God first.”
This wasn’t the answer I wanted but it was definitely the answer I needed.
A couple of years after my grandfather died, I made some horrible business decisions and lost everything I thought was important at the time.
I quickly realized the things I thought were most important were actually the least important.
When all the money was gone, I still had God’s love.
I still had my salvation.
My wife loved me.
God still loved me and He always will.
God will always love you.
When I lost what I thought was everything, I could only remember the one bit of advice God led my grandpa to tell me.
I finally got it!
See, my grandfather knew that the Word of God is infinite and he didn’t want to waste time giving me finite advice.
So I urge you, to take what Jesus says to heart.
Don’t worry.
Seek God first.
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DC Cayce
DC Cayce works with entrepreneurs and small businesses to accelerate their profit by implementing systems for efficiency. DC is also an author and a podcaster. Email him at dc@numbermyday.com with any questions or comments.